Planning design research and development are manufacturing the shoes
Create a hypothesis
"shoes that predict movement from the beginning to the end of walking"
Let's write a story about a shoe design plan...
Let me tell you why.
Beginning with a bicycle, encounter walking analysis through
I will be 63 years old in May. When I was 21 years old in another
I left home early in the morning to go around Japan by bicycle.
"insole" is one of the many parts that make up a shoe, and if it
doesn't exist, is it a big obstacle? I think.
So why are there
some people who look for it on Amazon or go to the store to make a custom
Some people are
indifferent and some are very particular about it.
For those who are doing athletics,
Some people can't
run without it.
Apparently, it
seems to be a necessity and common sense.
In the first
place, the insole is originally the insole (the place where you can put your
soles on leather).
The correct name
is the name inner sole.
The story of clever shoe design planに興味津々(^^♪